"Development of Slowed Down Beams at GSI/FAIR"
Farheen Naqvi, 1 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung,64291-Darmstadt,Germany
;2 Institut für Kernphysik,
(id #117)
Seminar: No
Poster: Yes
Invited talk: No
Farheen Naqvi 1,2 , Plamen Boutachkov 1, Magdalena Górska 1 , Jürgen Gerl 1, Fabio Farinon 1, Katarzyna Hadynska 3, Rudo Janik 4, Ivan Kojouharov 1, Nikolay A. Kondratyev 5, Alvarez Marcos A.G. 6, Ivan Mukha 7, Pawel Napiorkowski 3, Chiara Nociforo 1, Daniel Pietak 3, Wawrzyniec Prokopowicz 1, Stephane Pietri 1, Andrej Prochazka 1, Henning Schaffner 1, Peter Strmen 4, and Helmut Weick 1
1 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung,64291-Darmstadt,Germany
2 Institut für Kernphysik,Universität zu Köln,50937-Köln,Germany
3 Warsaw University, PL-00927 Warsaw, Poland
4 Komenskeho University, 818 06 Bratislava, Slovakia
5 Flevrov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINP, 141980 Dubna, Russia
6 Centro Nacional de Aceleradores CNA, 41092 Seville, Spain
7 University of Seville, ES-41080 Seville, Spain
The slowed down beam facility at GSI/FAIR will be dedicated to spectroscopy and reaction studies at energies in the range of 5-10MeV/u .The relativistic beams separated by the FRS/SFRS [1] will be decelerated using a thick degrader. This method is aimed to study short lived nuclei, difficult to access in other facilities worldwide.
The slowing down of relativistic particles introduces beam contamination, energy and angular straggling making it necessary to identify and track the ions after slowing down. Large area detectors with a position resolution of a few mm and a timing resolution of ~ 100ps are required for this purpose.
A test experiment of the technique and prototype detectors was performed at the GSI/FRS. Primary beam of 64Ni with energy of 300MeV/u was slowed down to 10MeV/u, using a thick Al degrader. The beam was tracked before slowing down with a pair of TPC detectors. For identification and reconstruction of the trajectory after slowing down , two MCP detectors were used.
Coulomb scattering of slowed down 64Ni ions on a gold target was investigated to test the experimental setup.The Au target was surrounded by two Double Sided Silicon Strip detectors and an array of 6 NaI scintillators for gamma-ray detection. The results from the test experiment will be presented.
1. H.Geissel et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 70,286 (1992).