"Novel Detector Development for the PARIS Project"
Oliver Roberts, University of York
(id #123)
Seminar: Yes
Poster: No
Invited talk: No
LaBr3:Ce scintillators are a novel scintillator with high timing and energy resolutions, making them attractive for future projects involving gamma-ray spectroscopy. The PARIS collaboration hopes to utilise these superior timing and energy properties from this scintillator in the construction of a new 4pi detector array, with two hemispheres of scintillators.
Different types of detector methods have been tested and analysed, with the most favourable being the highly efficient "Phoswich" design. Various experiments analysing the basic properties of this method will be discussed and analysed in depth. These include pile-up and timing resolution tests. Initial timing resolutions for both the LaBr3:Ce and CsI:Na were found to be ~600 ps and 24 ns respectively via a timing coincidence test with a BaF2 scintillator.
Tests with a 10.5GBq AmBe neutron source were also conducted, and subsequent radioactive activation was found due to large thermal neutron cross-sections in Lanthanum and Bromine. Pulse shape analysis was done to determine whether pulse shape discimrination between neutrons and gamma rays were possible. Analysis showed that this is not the case, as one would expect.
Preliminary analysis of a high energy calibration experiment will also be discussed. Calibrations of the energy spectrum will be shown along with which states were populated in the 27Al(p,gamma)28Si reaction.