"Astrophysical reactions with radioactive beams – present and future"
Michael Hass, The Weizmann Institute
(id #172)
Seminar: No
Poster: No
Invited talk: Yes
Astrophysical reactions with radioactive beams – present and future
Michael Hass
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
The Weizmann Institute, Rehovot Israel
Explosive nucleo-synthesis is one of the fore-front topics in nuclear astrophysics research, especially in present and future large-scale “rare-isotopes” facilities. The study of the underlying nuclear reactions that govern astrophysical phenomena such as x-ray bursts and super-novae is essential for illuminating the nature and mechanism that trigger and power such objects. For example, the source of the observed x-ray radiation in the astrophysical objects of “x-ray bursters” stems from nuclear reactions taking place on the surface of the neutron star that are periodically ignited by the accreting mass from the larger companion. The ignition of such reactions, at a typical temperature of ~ 0.4 GK, produces a rapid increase in power and leads to breakout from the “hot-CNO cycle” into the “rp” (rapid proton capture) process with the production of medium mass proton-rich nuclei. Of this chain of reactions, 14O(α,p)17F and 15O(α,γ)19Ne are one of the most important reactions that determine the x-ray burst scenario. These nuclear astrophysics studies are closely linked to state-of-the-art telescopes that provide astronomical observations of x rays (CHANDRA) and rays (INTEGRAL).
In this talk we concentrate on two complementary directions:
• Experiments using the existing radioactive beams at relatively low intensity that are available at present facilities. Recent examples include collaborative efforts with the University of Edinburgh group to study “inverse-kinematics” reactions of 1H(17F, 17F*)1H at ISOLDE (CREN) and the 14O(α,p)17F reaction at GANIL (France). The advances on the experimental side in detector technology and related efforts are an integral part in this research. be an important input to better understand the scenario at the relevant astrophysical site via modeling and simulated network calculations.
• Concurrent to the activity above, considerable efforts are devoted to produce orders-of-magnitude higher intensities of the radioactive beams listed above, using the emerging possibilities of the target setup for production of light radioisotopes in the SPIRAL II LINAC, as well as at the new SARAF LINAC at the Soreq Research Center, Israel.