"Study of the spallation of 136 Xe in collisions with hydrogen at 1 GeV per nucleon."
Thomas Gorbinet, CEA Saclay - DSM/IRFU/SPhN - France
(id #68)
Seminar: No
Poster: Yes
Invited talk: No
Spallation reactions allow studying the deexcitation of well defined systems with moderate excitation energy and in particular the possible onset of multifragmentation. The spallation of 136 Xe in collisions with hydrogen at 1A GeV has been studied in inverse kinematics with a modified SPALADIN setup at GSI in 2009. Coincidences of residues with low-center-of-mass kinetic energy light charged particles, neutrons and fragments have been measured. Such a coincidence measurement will allow studies as a function of excitation energy and the decomposition of the total reaction cross section into the different possible deexcitation channels, as it has been done for 56 Fe + p at 1 GeV per nucleon (E. Le Gentil et al. PRL 100 022701(2008)). Status of the analysis of the experiment will be shown as well as the physics of the measurement, based on the comparisons to different model predictions.